So I've been trying to expand, geographically, with my wine selections. I did a LOT of California wines when I first moved here, and they're quality, for sure. But I always find it amazing how much variety there is in wines, even of the same type, when you broaden your palette regionally. So I went to BevMo (again - love it) and picked up a Cabernet Sauvignon from the Limestone Coast of South Australia (citywise, it's nearest Adelaide).
Cabernet Sauvignon
Limestone Coast, Australia
When I did the scent part of the drinking process, and yes, this is going to sound strange, but I clearly detected the smell of Cherry Chapstick. This kind:

But in the actual tasting, it was just bitter enough, very smooth and pleasant - medium body, but complex. I tasted elements of blueberry, cherry and flowers. I haven't yet been able to decipher which type of flowers, but it's there. And the general flavor is crisp, yet earthy. Each sip tastes slightly different, which is fascinating. Man, I love wine.
A fantastic value at $8 (albeit on sale) - I could hardly believe it.